Net sales by business area 2020/2021 2019/2020
Quarterly data, SEKm Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 583 694 588 552 591
Components 496 578 489 511 504
Energy 683 604 596 593 619
Industrial Process 669 732 800 865 807
Power Solutions 381 434 377 402 417
Group items -7 -4 -4 -6 -4
Addtech Group 2,805 3,038 2,846 2,917 2,934
EBITA by business area 2020/2021 2019/2020
Quarterly data, SEKm Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1
Automation 50 99 51 57 60
Components 50 65 41 58 54
Energy 81 78 62 75 67
Industrial Process 73 113 95 134 103
Power Solutions 50 68 36 62 65
Parent Company and Group items 2 -16 -49 -6 -8
EBITA 306 407 236 380 341
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -63 -55 -48 -51 -49
– of which acquisitions -60 -49 -47 -49 -47
Operating profit 243 352 188 329 292
Net sales 3 months Rolling 12 months
SEKm 30 Jun 2020 30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2020 31 Mar 2020
Automation 583 591 2,417 2,425
Components 496 504 2,074 2,082
Energy 683 619 2,476 2,412
Industrial Process 669 807 3,066 3,204
Power Solutions 381 417 1,594 1,630
Group items -7 -4 -21 -18
Addtech Group 2,805 2,934 11,606 11,735
EBITA and EBITA margin 3 months Rolling 12 months
30 Jun 2020 30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2020 31 Mar 2020
SEKm % SEKm % SEKm % SEKm %
Automation 50 8.5 60 10.2 257 10.6 267 11.0
Components 50 10.2 54 10.7 214 10.3 218 10.5
Energy 81 11.9 67 10.9 296 12.0 282 11.7
Industrial Process 73 10.9 103 12.8 415 13.5 445 13.9
Power Solutions 50 13.1 65 15.7 216 13.6 231 14.2
Group items 2 -8 -69 -79
EBITA 306 10.9 341 11.6 1,329 11.5 1,364 11.6
Depr. of intangible non-current assets -63 -49 -217 -203
– of which acquisitions -60 -47 -205 -192
Operating profit 243 8.7 292 10.0 1,112 9.6 1,161 9.9


Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
3 months
30 Jun 2020
SEKm Automation Components Energy Industrial Process Power Solutions Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 158 201 237 232 238 -4 1,062
Denmark 141 130 147 119 23 -3 557
Finland 93 106 63 140 29 0 431
Norway 63 48 169 100 26 0 406
Europe 121 5 56 44 50 - 276
Other countries 7 6 11 34 15 0 73
Total 583 496 683 669 381 -7 2,805
Net sales by the subsidiaries
geographical location
3 months
30 Jun 2019
SEKm Automation Components Energy Industrial Process Power Solutions Group items Addtech Group
Sweden 172 216 193 211 265 -1 1,056
Denmark 127 139 145 167 23 -3 598
Finland 100 96 48 146 28 0 418
Norway 57 51 160 165 27 0 460
Europe 133 2 72 62 49 0 318
Other countries 2 0 1 56 25 0 84
Total 591 504 619 807 417 -4 2,934